Week 8 (Due July 15th)

Copyright & Fair Use

Digital Citizenship Resources


  • Embed three influential/helpful tweets that you found on Twitter and include at least one paragraph describing why it was influential/helpful  – Retweet at least two tweets from people you follow and send at least one tweet (could be a link to one of your blog posts). Make sure you include #ed554 or @plan3t_t3ch
  • Please indicate anything you would like to learn about SMARTboard in the comments below. This will help me make the SMARTboard demo relevant:)
  • Read at least one of the posts on mobile learning and post a reaction/review on your personal blog. Please include the link of the post you are writing about and include an image that supports the topic.

5 Reasons to Allow Students to Use Cell Phones in Class via The Innovative Educator

Schools and Students Clash Over Use of Technology via Mindshift

Mobile Learning Explained Visually via Educational Technology and Mobile Learning


  1. When I interned the teacher had a lot of different ways for the students to count how many days they’ve been in school. One way was by counting coins and they were able to drag different coins into a piggy bank and it added it up. I’d like to learn how to do creative things like that!

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